
City Hygiene offers an extensive waste management services for colleges and night schools.  The table below is a guide to what kinds of waste products we can manage and the industry compliant methods by which this waste is safely disposed of.

Description of WasteProducts RequiredEWC CodeWaste CategoryMethod of DisplosalNotes
SharpsSharps Bin - Yellow lid18.01.09HazardousIncineration / alternative treatmentContaminated with medical residue such as local anaesthetic needles and other disposable instruments.
Hazardous WasteOrange Bags18.01.03HazardousIncineration / alternative treatmentInfectious waste - soft waste including swabs, dressings, bandages and wipes / body fluids etc.
Offensive WasteTiger Bags18.01.04Non-HazardousDeep LandfillNon infectious offensive waste such as sanitary waste, incontinence pads and Nappies. Non infectious swabs and dressings.
Sanitary WasteTiger Bags18.01.5Non-HazardousDeep LandfillNon infectious offensive waste such as sanitary waste.
waste containers

Call City Hygiene today on 0115 9 007 311 to discuss your individual waste management requirements or to book an appointment with one of our consultants.